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What People Say About VTune

Testimonial from Argonaut Technologies Ltd.

"VTune is the most useful tool I've seen in years."

Sam Littlewood
Leader - Technology Group
Argonaut Technologies Ltd.
London NW9 0DZ


Testimonial from Kinesoft Development.
"I used to write programmer tools for a living and this is the best tool I have seen in years"

Andy Glaister
Director of Technology
Kinesoft Development
1090 Johnson Drive
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
email andyg@kinesoft.com


Testimonial from AMPOL Technologies Ltd.
"After two days of work with the performance tool from Intel, we were able to boost the performance of our applications 12 times higher (a 1100% increase!). This was not due to having written inefficient software, but rather due to not using system services in efficient ways. VTune has helped us detect precious idle system time that we could exploit for our applications’ benefit using carefully designed algorithms. Time-based sampling and disassembly with architecture information deserve most of the credit for the view we got into the possible improvements. In our applications, these performance tool features definitely helped us to take advantage of the power of the Pentium processor."

Udi Noach
R&D Manager AMPOL Technologies Ltd. Israel


Testimonial from SAS Institute Inc.
VTune has turned out to be our most valuable optimizing tool. It allowed us to identify quickly the basic areas of code where we needed to focus our efforts. With a project that involves dozens of DLLs (including system ones) spanning multiple Visual C++ projects, the normal profiling techniques were simply inadequate. Literally within 20 minutes of installing VTune, we had identified 4 hot spots, one of which was totally unexpected, which we have been able to subsequently address. Since this represented only a small fraction of our overall code, it saved us from spending a lot of time examining code which did not contribute to the performance problems.

What makes the job really easy is the immediate feedback on performance with the normal production code. Because of VTune’s interval timing approach, I didn't have to rely on other hooks which tend to skew the code performance. Since I could apply it directly to my production code, I didn't have to take an extra step of building a customized version and was able to feel more comfortable that I was improving what my customers would see.

The direct access to the information about the pipeline and the extreme accuracy of that information made the job of “assemblerizing” the hot spots a science instead of the old hit-or-miss process of planning in your head and trying to count cycles. I could just code something up and let VTune count it for me.

John Toebes
Multimedia Authoring Systems Group
SAS Institute Inc.


Testimonial from Mindscape, Inc.
"When I first saw VTune, I said 'Finally, someone has built the profiler I've always wanted.' The ability to pinpoint code hotspots is invaluable to us in building high-performance entertainment products."

Michael E. Duffy
Chief Technical Officer
Mindscape, Inc.

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